Managing Difficult Conversations at Work (and at Home)

Deb Hirsch of CorpTalk will be presenting at our Next WNJW - SIG event on Monday, October 24, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in Essex County

 Please join us!Register_Here.jpg

This interactive session will present some basic brain-based science behind human interaction and communication. You will learn a useful tool for preparing for and executing a difficult conversation as well as an opportunity to practice. We will also touch on setting yourself and the other party up for success in the conversation.  



Debbie Hirsch is an executive coach and communication expert who specializes in collaboration, leadership and change. Debbie develops high-performance teams and strong business leaders, helping companies introduce and build collaborative, global mindsets and behaviors. She delivers high-impact coaching solutions to support clients throughout every stage of their careers, from on-boarding to promotions to career transitions.

Debbie's extensive corporate coaching experience, combined with her years as an officer and senior account manager in large New York advertising agencies, gives her a rich understanding of the corporate world, its vast possibilities and inherent complexities. Debra leads workshops and webinars for HR and OD professionals. She received her BSE from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and is a CorpTalk Certified Master Coach.

Dinner will be included with your registration fee of $15.  The event starts at 7:00 p.m. and will be at a location in Essex County that will be disclosed after registration is confirmed.  Any questions may be directed to [email protected]

