Wharton Club of New Jersey’s 5th Annual Entrepreneur Showcase and Pitch Event

Date and Time
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
5:30pm— 8:30pm
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100 Mulberry St
Newark, NJ 07102
United States
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John Possumato

For members of other alumni clubs invited to apply to present your business, please contact us at [email protected] to register today!

Application Deadline Extended September 30, 2022
Date and Time: Wednesday, November 9, 2022, 5:30 EST
Location: McCarter & English, Four Gateway Center, 100 Mulberry St, Newark, NJ 07102 (A short walk from Newark Penn Station)

Are you an entrepreneur who is or will be raising capital from outside investors? Are you an entrepreneur looking for services from a trusted network of quality people?

Did you graduate from the University of Pennsylvania (Wharton or other Penn school), or are part of another NJ based Ivy League alumni club community?

Register now for this unique opportunity to pitch your business to a panel of Angel and Venture Capital investors, and network with a broad range of influencers from the Wharton/Penn community.

This event is a great opportunity to learn, connect, and be entertained.

We will have leading Angels and VCs who invest in East Coast start-ups on our panel and in the audience. Come prepared and give it a shot, you may just get the money and be on the road to success!

Don’t delay, in 2020, the last year this we held this live event, it was sold out and we expect to quickly reach our limit for both “pitch” slots and in general attendance.

Here’s what you’ll get by participating:
  • A table where you can showcase your company, network with investors, and meet key influencers and advisors from the Wharton/Ivy League alumni community. GUARANTEED
  • Get feedback, questions answered, and contacts made. GUARANTEED
  • Make a short pitch to a panel of Angel and Venture Capital investors and get a real-time reaction to your opportunity. LIMITED TO 10 ENTREPRENEURS CHOSEN TO SPEAK BY OUR REVIEW PANEL SO REGISTER NOW
Here’s what you need to do now to participate:
  1. SPACE IS LIMITED. Go to the Link and fill out the Wharton Entrepreneur Pitch/Table Application by SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 – note: this application must be filled out in its entirety for consideration to pitch. Entrepreneurs must be, or be sponsored by, a WCNJ Supporting Member, or a Supporting Member of another NJ-based Ivey League alumni association.
  2. Every entrepreneur that that applies and is accepted, will be given a table to showcase the company, whether or not he/she chooses to pitch.
  3. Confirm that you are and will be a WCNJ Supporting (dues-paying) member, or a member of the designated invited alumni clubs, on the Event Date (11/1/22).

To become a WCNJ supporting member, go to http://www.whartonnjclub.com/become_a_member and join prior to November 1, 2022. It’s only $70 (recent graduates and current students are free and young alumni pay only $25).

Deadline for Application: September 30, 2022 

Fees for the Event:
For application to pitch with a guarantee of table to showcase your company –
  • $90 WCNJ Supporting Members
  • $115 for all other invited alumni club members (note: this includes food and refreshments for one person)

The policy of the Club during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is that everyone attending in-person meetings or events will be required to confirm that they are fully vaccinated and that they will provide proof of vaccination should the Club request it. Unfortunately, we are not equipped to manage exceptions to the vaccination requirement. We will continue to have some virtual events and also intend to have hybrid events so people can participate in many Club events remotely if unvaccinated (for any reason) or otherwise wary of exposure. People who are registered for in-person meetings or events but who nevertheless become sick or have tested positive to COVID-19 in the prior two weeks will get a refund upon request. Club policies are subject to any more stringent requirements imposed by any relevant governmental authority or by the venue at which we are holding the meeting or event.

To Register, Fill out the 
Wharton Entrepreneur Pitch/Table Application and Pay the Pitch/Table Registration Fee Below.

Purchase Tickets

Or register manually

Application Fee - Other Club Alumni - Non-Member Ticket(s)
Application Fee - Other Club Alumni
Application Fee - WCNJ Member - Member Ticket
Application Fee - WCNJ Member
Map & Directions


100 Mulberry St, Newark, NJ 07102, United States,
by public transit by car by bike Walking