Friday, November 18, at 8:15 am (and monthly on the third Friday of each month).
If you are a Wharton Club of New Jersey Supporting Member and are interested in joining the Union County Leads Council, please contact Mark Ukrainskyj at [email protected]
The Wharton Club of NJ - Union County Leads Council now inviting:
How to Join and Participate:
The WCNJ Union County NJ Leads Council is a non-competitive networking group open only to members of the Wharton Club of New Jersey.
We will meet once a month on the third Friday of each month in Union County -- New Members Welcome.
A registration fee of $17 per person will cover the cost of continental breakfast.
Membership will be on a first come, first served basis. No guests or walk-ins will be permitted please.
To register or learn more about the Union County Leads Council, please email Mark Ukrainskyj at [email protected]
In your email, please include your name, title, company, line of business, email address and phone number.
Members who are accepted will be contacted individually to register and be provided the location of the Council meeting.
Membership Benefits:
Leverage your Wharton network and share business leads or development opportunities with other Wharton alum that either live or work in the Union County area.
• Expand your selling and business development network
• Advise and help other non-competing Wharton alumni grow their businesses
• All in a supportive, non-competitive environment
The mission of the Union County Leads Council is to build a network of Wharton alumni, to share new leads and business development growth opportunities, while also serving as a forum where members can learn from and support each other in growing their respective businesses. Because it is a non-competitive council, we allow only one member representing each industry area.